Our Mission

People FIRST – Everything we do at Gamers Trust, Inc. is to make our social environments as fun and rewarding as possible for as many people as we can reach.
Commit to QUALITY – “<GT>” doesn’t just refer to our commitment of productive online multi-player social interaction, but to every aspect of our work. We approach each task both inside the games and out carefully and seriously. We seek honest feedback and use it to improve the quality of your experience.
Game POLITELY – We strive to maintain the highest level of respect and integrity in all interactions with our members, fellow gamers, and business partners. The conduct of each Gamers Trust member, whether online or offline, can reflect on the entire company.
We are GAMERS – Everyone here is a gamer. We play them, enjoy them, and bring only our highest gaming etiquette to them.
Every opinion MATTERS – Gamers Trust, Inc. is what it is today because of the input of our fellow gamers and of each and every one of our members. Every member is encouraged to speak up, listen, be respectful of other opinions, and embrace constructive criticisms as just another avenue to making Gamers Trust better then it was yesterday.
Think GLOBALLY – Worldwide people claim the title of Gamers Trust member. We respect our fellow members and we strive to grow and support our global gamer community. We seek the most passionate, talented people to enrich our company and help us forge the future vision of Gamers Trust, Inc.
Lead RESPONSIBLY – Our policies and practices can affect not only our members and company – but the gaming industry at large. As the world’s first gamers nonprofit company, we’re committed to making ethical decisions, always keeping our members in mind, and setting a strong example of professionalism and excellence at all times.
Learn & GROW – Since the founding of Gamers Trust we’ve worked to improve through experience, teaching one another and cultivating the desire to be the best at providing responsible social gaming environments in the online multi-player gaming world. We see this as an individual responsibility as well as a company one, this is our mission.