Membership Rules

1.)    Do not cheat in any way, shape, or form.
2.)    Ongoing abuse of <GT> facilities is considered breach of membership.
3.)    Always be helpful to other <GT> Members.
4.)    The relationships inside of the <GT> facilities should always be productive by maintaining the highest Gamers Trust standards.
5.)    Be respectful to ALL gamers at ALL times.
6.)    Every member’s game name must reflect well on the organization.
7.)    Always conform to the direction of the organizations goals.
8.)    Do not use language that is unacceptable in a public forum.
9.)    If you are unsure of any of the <GT> policies or procedures, proceed with CAUTION.
10.)  Constant challenges to our rules will result in removal from membership.
11.)  Kindness is a virtue, and we expect you to promote such while interacting with both the public gamers and <GT> Members. (This includes designated leaders and assistants as they are in positions of importance within <GT> and must always hold themselves and others to the highest standards of social conduct.)

Gamers Trust is the place where you know what to expect!

Online gamers are our driving force and because of that we have always steered clear of anything that would create a toxic environment for the membership.



Put in your application for membership today!

Simply fill out the form, pick the platform that you want to game with us on, and click submit!

It’s really that simple.

Board Of Directors

Scott Perrin


Larry Tennant

Executive Vice President

Jennifer Perrin


Joe Ewell


Donald Perrin


Members Managing Online Gaming Communities

Headquartered in South Florida, Gamers Trust, Inc. was founded in 2008 by Chairman Scott Perrin, President Donald Perrin, and Rex Roper. Our Life-Time Members Dennis Pranouskes, Kenneth Starr, Karen Nozkowski, Andy Mares, Shawn O’Connor, Bill Cullison Jr. and Treasurer Jennifer Perrin each had a tremendous role in our incorporation as a nonprofit. Without these courageous people including our long time members Gamers Trust would not have become the success it is today.

In-Game Leadership

In-Game Leadership WORLD OF WARCRAFT General Manager – John PerrinAssistant General Manager – TBDMember Elect – Curtis van Richerson Jr.Conduct Operational Director – Ellie RobertsonInformation Operational Director – Mike SundayTechnology Operational Director – Peg Baird Trinklein OVERWATCH General Manager – John Perrin Assistant Project lead – TBD ROCKET LEAGUE General Manager – James Perrin Team Coach – Alex Nelson PLAYER UNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS General Manager – Ben […]

Lifetime Members

Gamers Trust Incorporated Lifetime Members Dennis Pranouskes Donald Perrin Kenneth Starr Karen Nozkowski Andy Mares Jennifer Perrin Shawn O’Connor Bill Cullison Jr. Scott Perrin Larry Tennant Joe Ewell


Click here to reach Gamers Trust Incorporated’s Pay Pal button to pay your annual dues or help provide for our different funding campaigns. It includes several different payment options as well to make your payment as easy as possible.

Membership Rules

Membership Rules 1.)    Do not cheat in any way, shape, or form. 2.)    Ongoing abuse of <GT> facilities is considered breach of membership. 3.)    Always be helpful to other <GT> Members. 4.)    The relationships inside of the <GT> facilities should always be productive by maintaining the highest Gamers Trust standards. 5.)    Be respectful to ALL gamers at ALL times. 6.)    Every member’s game name must […]

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