I am going to try and clear up some of the misunderstandings and the concern about the future of 10 man raiding guilds when the World of Draenor expansion hits.
Is the Warlords of Draenor release the death of 10 man guilds in World of Warcraft?
My opinion and the definitive answer is that 10 man raiding guilds will not be eliminated in the next expansion. This truth is contrary to the current outcry that Blizzard is killing 10 man raiding guilds in favor of creating 20 man raiding guilds.
Blizzard is however giving the elite raiders and raid guilds exactly what they have been clamoring about for so long. They are providing them with a gift to their incessant mantra, “The raid bosses are too easy!”
These elite raiders and their 10 man raid team guilds that are burning through the 10 man regular content within the first few weeks of any expansions release and then downing the heroic mode soon thereafter will be the ones most affected by this imminent change of the mythic raid structure of 20 man.
Now I am not bashing these elite raiders though I do see the irony of them getting what they asked for and then complaining about it. To understand what Blizzard is trying to accomplish with mythic mode we must first learn exactly what that means.
Normal will be as difficult as the current Flex Mode is today
Heroic will be as difficult as current Normal Mode is today
Mythic will be as difficult as current Heroic Mode is today but with a 20 man requirement instead of an option for 10 or 25 man
This it seems has all kinds of elite guilds in an uproar. 10 man elite guilds complain that they will have to recruit upwards of 15 more raid members (10 more to fill the required spots and 5 more to sub on the bench) and 25 man elite guilds say they will have to drop as many as 10 raid members (5 to meet the requirement and 5 other subs from the bench).
Now anyone who is in Gamers Trust already knows that we have very rarely if ever run a heroic mode setting in any current expansion. As an example we consistently ran and downed the 10 man content on normal mode during Cataclysm every week without fail on a 2 day raiding schedule 2 hours per night.
When we tried to run heroic mode we either couldn’t pull it off or felt that it was simply a repeat of our previous efforts and even though the lure of better gear waited for us it just never materialized as a reality.
I don’t see us changing that any time soon. Currently we have a loose 10 man raid group and even though some of our raiders are exceptionally geared most of our team has an average gear level and our guilds raid progression in MoP shows it. We find ourselves fighting against Tortos weekly and although frustratingly difficult at times we have seen glimpses that his downfall for us isn’t to far off (we had him down to 60% last week).
This proves that the current content of normal mode for our guild is plenty difficult enough. Being in Throne of Thunder as a guild isn’t a bad thing, we are doing what we have always done. We are progressing at our own pace and enjoying the content we are currently on (most fights anyways). Gamers Trust has never been a hard core raiding guild, in fact we are exactly the opposite; we are the definition of a casual raiding guild.
Our overall goals are similar if not identical to the hard core raiding guilds (we both want to down content and we both want to get better gear) but our priorities to do that are completely different (we don’t want to down that content at the expense of our guild environment and/or our fellow members being left behind).
Hard core raiders pride themselves on things like realm first victories, and having the highest gear available to them as soon as possible. These are admirable priorities if that is what makes the game most enjoyable for their members. Often however, priorities such as these create an environment of winning at any cost, irrespective of the consequences such a vicious cycle produces within the guild itself.
We casual raiders pride ourselves on providing a place where our members can get to know each other on a more personal level and can help each other progress while doing so without the normal pressures of having to compete for available raid slots, or over burden ourselves with the quest for immediate progression and better gear at the expense of inclusion and fellowship.
Neither of these guild types and their priorities is necessarily better then the other. Neither of them makes the other less valuable. But without any doubt these are guilds at polar opposites within the world of World of Warcraft.
Most hard core raiding guilds that cannot maintain their progression and by extension better gear drops for the elite raiders in their mists fracture and dissolve into oblivion.
It is a vicious cycle that has repeated itself over and over and over again. Unfortunately many good guilds that strive to compete at a high level simply fall apart once that singular priority is no longer attainable. Their members go to other hard core raiding guilds and the process repeats. Abuses of persons and practices permeate such occurrences and many times hurt feelings and abandonment issues create a rift that cannot be repaired.
So in closing I hope that those hard core raiding guilds that clamored for harder content worthy of their elite skill sets, be they currently running 10 or 25 man heroic modes, realize that what they asked for they got with 20 man mythic.
What I seem to be seeing brew however is the beginning of a new wave of separations amongst their ilk to adjust and compete as they have always done. The uproar we hear now is only the tip of the iceberg once these guilds shatter into still more disgruntled elite players who feel disenfranchised at the idea that Blizzard provides them with their wish for harder content in this way…
We in Gamers Trust will duck this conundrum as we have always done. We will not be the realm first guild for any achievement; we will not be pursuing gear at any cost, and we will honor our way of doing things while providing for ourselves and fellow members. We will be downing bosses at our own pace and getting the gear drops as they fall.
10 man guilds still live in Warlords of Draenor but they look more like us. It seems we are setting a trend without even trying. 🙂

Scott Perrin

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