By: Zarhym 5/28/2014 At BlizzCon 2013, we shared a lot of our ideas for Warlords of Draenor’s Garrisons. We knew early on in development that this feature would strike a chord with long-time Warcraft players going back to the RTS days, as well as set the tone for the conflict with the Iron Horde. Since […]
How 9/11 Influenced Gaming
Published by Rick Lane in 2011 How 9/11 Influenced Gaming Where does 9/11 stand in the context of gaming culture? Cultural and artistic mediums fall within the neutral zone on the litmus paper of 9/11 influences, somewhere between international politics and equestrianism. While it might seem like games fall closer to the study of horses […]
How Windows 8 Will Change PC Gaming Forever.
When Windows 8 was first announced way back at the Consumer Electronics Show in 2011, it was met with…mixed results to put it lightly. This continues, to this day. Geek Messiah, Gabe Newell, co-founder of Valve, said: “Windows 8 is a catastrophe for everyone in the PC space.” So why is this? The biggest issue […]
New Digital Gaming Magazine, FirstLook Launches
Cranberry Publishing launched FirstLook today, a free digital magazine all about the biggest game releases for Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, and PC. Today’s first issue includes 51 pages of content, including previews of Aliens: Colonial Marines, Dead Space 3, Tomb Raider, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, as well as an interview with Trion Worlds (RIFT) about the revolutionary new […]
Deals: Awesomenauts 70% Off Through Midnight
The 2d MOBA game, Awesomenauts is currently on sale for 70% off the normal price through! You can pick up the higly reviews MOBA game for only $3.00 (normally $9.99) through midnight tonight. PC/Mac version only. Awesomenauts is a MOBA fitted into the form of an accessible 3-on-3 action platformer. Head out to the […]