Gamers Trust Multi-Gaming Platforms

Gamers Trust Multi-Gaming Platforms

Gamers Trust Multi-Gaming Platforms World of Warcraft Gamers Trust Guild Here is the place to sign up to become a review candidate or get ...

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Want to join Gamers Trust Incorporated

Want to join Gamers Trust Incorporated

Want to join Gamers Trust Incorporated   A little bit about us first;   Gamers Trust Incorporated is a registered nonprofit organization founded in 2008 that ...

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Gamers Trust Membership Rules

Gamers Trust Membership Rules

Gamers Trust Membership Rules   These Gamers Trust Membership Rules were created and decided on by the membership for the membership Gamers Trust Membership Rules ...

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Gamers Trust Multi-Gaming Platforms

Gamers Trust Multi-Gaming Platforms

Posted by Scott Perrin on Jul 3, 2017 1
Want to join Gamers Trust Incorporated

Want to join Gamers Trust

Posted by Scott Perrin on Feb 23, 2016 2
Gamers Trust Membership Rules

Gamers Trust Membership Rules

Posted by Scott Perrin on Feb 23, 2016 3

Warlords of Draenor Crafting from the bank!

I cannot tell you how many times I wished that I could stay at the anvil and continue crafting while I leveled my Blacksmithing instead of having to stop and run to the bank to get mats I had stored there.

I wished so many times that when I was ready to craft the next piece of epic gear for my Warrior that I didn’t have to go back and forth between the bank, the auction house and the anvil in an epic waste of time.

I cannot tell you how many times I would just go to the auction house to by mats only later to discover I had them all the while in my bank.

Needless to say I think this will be a great addition to my personal gaming experience.

When I read the warlords of draenor news article from Blizzard about these new UI changes this one in particular jumped out at me and smacked me in the noggin. It was like they had read my mind. Now I know that many of you will tell me that this is nothing new, that there are plenty of add-ons that do exactly the same thing and I could only say of course your right.

But those pesky little add-ons for every little thing eat up computer resources like nobody’s business and for someone like me who has an ancient machine (7 years old) I have to limit my add-on allowance to the absolute bare necessities like Deadly Boss-Mods and Skada.

So every time Blizzard incorporates into the game a feature that does away with the need for a special add-on for this or that it helps all of us out, even if you have the latest Cray 5 computer and can run anything and everything all at once on ultra-mode.

Why you say? Well for example any third party add-on by extension is not 100% compatible with WoW. That means as new patches get released the add-on is immediately out of date and someone has to rewrite its code to bring it back into line. While this rewrite is occurring all of us who have the add-on are running around missing it and our individual experiences suffer. Now multiply that, times, however many add-ons anyone person might have and I think you get the point…

Not to mention the fact that if one of those add-ons are rewritten wrong it will crash your game and ruin your day.

My biggest wish now for an add-on to be absorbed into the game is reforgenator, it was a very simple and extremely small add-on. With one button push it would give you all the necessary stats to reforge each piece of your gear instantly! What a concept! unfortunately the developer has abandoned the project and left all of us fending for ourselves on, Mr. Robot, etc… or by having to do all that research to actually reforge manually :(.

This nice little add-on used to provide me and others like me with a fail-safe method to get the most out of our toons and be the best we could be by maintaining the hit/expertise caps while maximizing our most valuable secondary stats at the same time. This helped our raid groups, LFR’s, and dungeon compainions get helpful participants. Blizz are you listening???

It’s almost Christmas after all. 🙂

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Scott Perrin
Scott is the father of three sons who all game at different levels. His oldest is 14 and games along side him in WoW, his middle son is 10 and still learning to play WoW, and his youngest is 5 and just loves to fly his fathers mounts around the world. He is also active in many types of family gaming, acting as guild leader for Gamers Trust in World of Warcraft and opponent in Madden 25 whenever his middle son wants to spank his dad :).
Scott Perrin

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Scott Perrin About Scott Perrin

Scott is the father of three sons who all game at different levels. His oldest is 14 and games along side him in WoW, his middle son is 10 and still learning to play WoW, and his youngest is 5 and just loves to fly his fathers mounts around the world. He is also active in many types of family gaming, acting as guild leader for Gamers Trust in World of Warcraft and opponent in Madden 25 whenever his middle son wants to spank his dad :).

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