Garrosh Hellscream has released upon the sacred valley of Panderia the ancient and evil heart of an Old God. This catalyst of horror is just the beginning stages of a war that threatens once more to drag all of Azeroth into the abyss of destruction.
And so it goes in the fantasy World of Warcraft universe with the release of wow 5.4 but as we subscribers explore the story deeper we find many parallels to some real world ideas that are far from make believe.
For example Garrosh has declared all other members of the traditional Horde outside of his elite and ‘pure’ band of Orcish forces weak and not worthy of the title ‘The True Horde’.
Isn’t this an idea that sounds rather familiar to our real world’s history? A group of select ‘pure’ believers who are hell bent on wiping out all that the world has previously known and built, led by a fanatical and bloodlust driven Warchief.
This pureness theme has reoccurred in human history for as long as our story as a species has been told. From what we today would consider only myths like the Frost Giants in the Asgardian tales of Thor, to our current reality of fundamental terrorism based upon religious and political beliefs.
We as humans are inherently well versed in these themes because so much of our tales warn us against the path of elitism. We know that the balance of the world we live in depends in most part on the conscience of reasonable men to remain reasonable about inherent differences amongst our species.
Ok back to the storyline of 5.4 Garrosh has discovered beneath the ground of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms a way to drive a wedge between the moderate Horde and his truly frenzied legions that will carry out whatever it takes to win a total victory.
What he doesn’t realize yet like most other fanatical leaders, is his belief and its origin is an idea that is not his own. It was the Old God Y’shaarj who whispered into his mind the idea that he was destined to be the leader of a perfect race of Orcs who would overwhelm Azeroth’s defenders and finally claim victory for his True Horde.
A world ruled by Orcs.
It seems that World of Warcraft’s idea behind 5.4 will have legs with its more mature subscriber base because of the path the writers have chosen to explore. It is a more realistic theme based, in part at least, on real world history both past and present.

Scott Perrin

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